
July 02, 2020

This beautiful wombat card is part of the Australian Fauna II maxicard set by Australia Post.
Wombats are the largest burrowing mammals in Australia. These stocky creatures dig vast burrow systems of up to 20 metres long, more than two metres below the ground, with their rat-like front teeth and powerful claws. The rump of the wombat is covered by a very tough, thick skin that is often used as protection from attackers, as it dives into its burrow or a hollow log. The Common Wombat, the species featured on the card, is the only living member of its genus Vombatus, though it is similar in appearance to Australia’s two other wombat species, the main difference being the absence of hair on its nose and courser fur. The Common Wombat’s main habitats are limited to south-eastern Australia.

Thanks to Bonnie for this supercute card!
Date: June 19

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