Terra Nova National Park

May 29, 2024

Enjoying a tranquil evening at Mincho's Cove surrounded by the serene beauty of Terra Nova National Park of Canada.

Terra Nova National Park is located on the northeastern side of Newfoundland. The park covers an area of 154 square miles. The park is comprised of an eastern island boreal forest with facets of the Appalachian Mountains. These forests are comprised of ash, balsam fir, black spruce, varying deciduous trees, maple, mountain ash, tamarack, and white pine. The park also features bogs, ponds, and wetlands. The coastline displays rugged cliffs, nestled coves, hidden inlets, and stunning headlands. This array of diversified habitats creates a national park ecosystem that is supportive of varying mammalian, bird, and marine species. Many of the popular species of wildlife include beaver, black bear, caribou, coyote, lynx, red fox, and moose. Ospreys are one of the highlights of the birds which either nest or migrate through the park area. Marine wildlife includes dolphins, fin whales, harp seals, humpback whales, minke whales, pilot whales, and the orcas which are also known as killer whales.

RR: Canada x World RR
Date: May 15

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