Mount Qingcheng

June 06, 2024

The beautiful Santan Wuquan Waterfall on Qingcheng Back Mountain.

Mount Qingcheng is a sacred Taoist mountain in Dujiangyan, Chengdu, Sichuan. It is considered one of the birthplaces of Taoism and one of the most important Taoist religious sites in China. As an important site of the Taoism, it became host to many Taoist monasteries and temples. The mountain has 36 peaks and is also home to Dujiangyan Giant Panda Center. Front Mountain has long been a major travel highlight in the Chengdu area because of its numerous ancient Taoist and Buddhist temples and historic sites. Fifteen kilometers behind Front Mountain is Back Mountain. A few temples and historical sites are there, but it is mainly a nature reserve with peaceful streams, quiet forests, and a grand peak.

Unesco: Mount Qingcheng and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System
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Date: May 4

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