Torres del Paine National Park

May 30, 2024

The Horns of Paine, located within the park, have stood here for more than 12 million years, and were formed bu huge glaciers that eroded away the outer sedimentary layer of rock, exposing the inner core of granite.

Torres del Paine National Park lies between the Andes Mountains and the Patagonian Steppe in southern Chile giving on to the Atlantic coast. It is an area of great scenic beauty, with many ridges, crags, glaciers, waterfalls, rivers, lakes and lagoons. The centrepiece of the park are three immense granite towers that dominate the landscape, Los Cuernos del Paine. The park was declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO in 1978 and the 8th wonder of the world in 2013. It's the most treasured protected wildlife area in Chile. It is habitat to a diversity of ecosystems, more than 100 species of birds, 25 mammals including puma, condor, huemul, ñandu, guanaco and 270 species of flowers and vegetation.

Many thanks Chelo!
Date: April 22

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